560 Dover Center Road Bay Village, OH 44140
Using our automated text and email system is quick and secure when confirming your appointments. It allows for easy communication with our team so that we can all stay on the same page, in real-time. We are also happy to create a custom confirmation schedule to fit your needs, be it weeks, days, hours or minutes prior to your appointment.
New to our office? Complete your registration forms Online through the "Connect With Us/Forms" page of our website, and with a few clicks your confidential forms are sent directly to us. Of course, if you prefer, we are still more than happy to send the paper forms to you by email or post mail. Your Choice!
Our patients tell us that the relaxing environment of our office, coupled with doctor's gentle touch and our caring team puts them right at ease. We think you will also enjoy the many details that we provide specifically for your comfort.
Even with all of the above, we recognize that there are people who struggle with anxiety when visiting the dentist. This is why we offer oral conscious sedation. That way, you can relax throughout your treatment.
We’re here for your family. From toddlers, who are thrilled to “ride” in the chair, to senior citizens, who appreciate our sensitivity to their special needs, we offer each member of your family the quality, individualized care they need to keep them comfortable and smiling, all in one place!
Sometimes the unexpected happens, and you find yourself suffering, or dealing with dental trauma. We offer same-day appointments to ease your discomfort and get you on the road to recovery as fast as possible. And, Dr. Gravino, or one of his colleagues, is always available for you after hours. Rest assured, we’ve got you covered.
We’re easy to find. 15 miles west of downtown Cleveland, our office is easily accessible off of I-90 between Columbia and Crocker roads. Our building is at the corner of Dover Center Rd and Donald Ave., across from the Bay Village Post Office.
To make the most of your day, we offer 7:00 am appointments Mon-Thur, which has become our most popular time. We can also accomodate late after-noon appointments on some Thursday's. See the "Connect With Us" page for complete hours.