560 Dover Center Road Bay Village, OH 44140

(440) 871-7040

How Invisalign Braces Work?

Did you know that Invisalign clear braces are the secret behind most Hollywood celebrities' beautiful and confident smiles? Kendall Jenner, Khloe Kardashian, Charlie D'amelio, Tom Cruise, and many other Hollywood celebrities chose Invisalign for their amazing, beautiful, charismatic, confident smiles.

You can also get a million-dollar Hollywood smile with Invisalign clear aligners. At Nick Gravino DDS, our advanced Invisalign braces can straighten your crooked teeth and give you the smile you deserve. When you enter through our front door, we always ensure you feel welcomed and comfortable. Our experienced dentist, Dr. Nick Gravino, listens to your concerns and creates a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Schedule your Completely FREE, no obligation Invisalign Braces consultation NOW and take the first step toward your million-dollar Hollywood smile.

Click Now for Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

Get customized solutions for your crooked, crowded, and misaligned teeth with our experienced Dr. Nick Gravino.

How Do Invisalign Braces Work?

You must have heard about Invisalign invisible braces, but exactly how do they work? Let's see!

Our Invisalign invisible braces reposition your misaligned teeth using invisible trays. Our dentists personalize these braces according to your smile goals. Our expert dentists may change these trays after a few days, depending on your unique condition. It is an entirely painless and nonsurgical solution for your unique smile.

The Invisalign Braces Process

Our experienced dentists at Nick Gravino Follow a process for applying Invisalign braces, which is easy and simple. He has been awarded "10 Best Dental Professional for Exceptional and Outstanding Service" by the American Institute of Dental Professionals in 2016, 2018, & 2024. His Invisalign process is second to none to help you achieve that beautiful, charismatic smile.

Let's explore the process of creating your beautiful and charismatic smile at Nick Gravino DDS.

Step 1: FREE Consultation and Personalized Treatment Plan

When you visit us for your FREE consultation, our skilled dentists will carefully check your smile with X-rays and a 3D scan. Our Expert, Dr. Nick Gravino, identifies your specific needs and plans a personalized treatment for you. We will also check if you have any dental insurance providers to seek the maximum reimbursement of your treatment cost. We also provide easy, affordable financing so that you can pay for your treatment costs in installments.

Step 2: Orthodontic Acceleration

Orthodontic acceleration speeds up the straightening process of your teeth along with Invisalign braces, and it is optional. Our dentists may suggest orthodontic acceleration to speed up your transformation for your beautiful smile. This is based on your specific needs. This may be a good option for you if you want faster results.

A skilled Invisalign dentist should do orthodontic acceleration. Our dentist, Dr. Nick Gravino, is highly qualified and experienced in this area.

Step 3: Customized Aligners For You!

Our experienced dentists design customized aligners based on X-rays and 3D scans of your smile. These Invisalign braces are fabricated with high-quality BPA-free material according to the size and shape of your teeth. Now, you can start straightening your teeth and getting your beautiful smile.

Step 4: Wear Your Aligners

After customizing and receiving your set of aligners, it's time to wear them daily to get your amazing, beautiful smile. Our expert dentists say you should wear aligners at least 22 hours per day for effective results. You can remove aligners to feel comfortable during cleaning and eating.

Step 5: Replace Aligners if Required

You can change or replace your Invisalign trays if our dentists suggest you do so. Replacing your aligners ensures the speedy and effective straightening of teeth. You must check with Dr. Nick Gravino to ensure everything is on track.

Step 6: Enjoy a Stunning New Smile!

When you are done with your treatment, Doctor Nick Gravino will conduct a final smile check! The aligners have gently shifted your teeth into their final position, creating your amazingly aligned, confident smile.

Invisalign Vs Braces

Which treatment is better, Invisalign or Traditional Braces? You must be curious to discover which is best for your smile: Invisalign or traditional braces.

Choosing between Invisalign and dental braces depends entirely on your needs, lifestyle, and comfort. If you want to maintain your appearance during your teeth straightening process, Invisalign is usually the best choice. Besides that, eating, brushing, and flossing will be easier for you in the case of Invisalign.

Invisalign is more comfortable and removable than traditional metal braces. Tooth movements are also usually easier with Invisalign braces.

Traditional braces are uncomfortable, and you have to compromise on your aesthetics during the treatment. Consult our experienced dentists to guide you through each teeth straightening treatment before deciding.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

The length of use for Invisalign braces varies depending on your specific treatment needs. On average, patients wear Invisalign for approximately 12 to 18 months. However, you may only require six months of treatment in minor cases.

Wear your aligners for 20-22 hours daily for best results. Consistency is critical for achieving the desired outcome. During your initial consultation, Doctor Nick Gravino will provide a personalized treatment plan that includes your estimated duration. Regular check-ups every 4 to 6 weeks will ensure your treatment progress is on track.

Is Invisalign the Right Choice for Me?

Studies have proven that Invisalign is an effective treatment for misaligned teeth. If you wear can aligners as directed, you are a good candidate for Invisalign.

During your initial appointment, Dr. Nick Gravino will evaluate your needs. He will then suggest the most suitable treatment to help you achieve a flawless smile.

Schedule your completely FREE, no obligation Invisalign invisible braces consultation NOW and impress your friends and family with your amazing, beautiful smile.

Click Now for Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

Can I Wear Invisalign While Sleeping?

Yes, you can wear Invisalign while sleeping. Our dentist, Dr. Nick Gravino, suggests wearing aligners often to ensure your teeth shift properly into their desired positions.

Can I Eat While Wearing Invisalign?

According to our experienced dentist, the best option is not to remove your invisible aligners during your meals. Brushing your teeth before reinserting the aligners will help maintain good oral hygiene.

Only drink water while wearing aligners. Hot drinks can damage them, and sugary or colored drinks can stain them. Taking care of your aligners is essential.

Start Your Journey Toward a Million Dollar Hollywood Smile!

Our skilled dentist, Dr. Nick Gravino, can give you a new, attractive, beautiful smile to boost your confidence. Your initial consultation is Completely FREE and will start with a personalized treatment plan with our expert's guidance. Call us NOW at (440) 871-7040 to get the smile of your dreams.

Click the button below to schedule your completely FREE, no obligation Invisalign clear aligners consultation NOW and start your journey toward an amazing, beautiful, confident smile.

Click Now for Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

Call (440) 871-7040 Now, and our warm and friendly dental staff will schedule your completely FREE Invisalign Consultation at our dental clinic. Take the first step toward your confident, charismatic smile with our Invisalign clear aligners.

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