560 Dover Center Road Bay Village, OH 44140

(440) 871-7040

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease is a dangerous disease caused by bacteria and plaque. It can make your gums inflamed and damage your surrounding tissues. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly half of adults aged 30 years and older show signs of gum disease.

Do you have persistent swelling and pain in your gums? Do you have bad breath that just won't go away? It could be gum disease causing your discomfort.

If your gum infection is not treated early, it can cause serious health issues such as tooth loss and even heart disease. Therefore, it is important to seek treatment promptly.

Schedule an Appointment

Schedule an appointment today to safeguard yourself from gum disease and keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Understanding Gum Disease

Gum disease, if left untreated, can develop periodontal disease. These are chronic inflammatory conditions affecting the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth. Gum infections characterize persistent redness, swelling, bleeding gums, and, quite often, very bad breath.

A significant concern with periodontal disease in your periodontal pockets is that the symptoms may start out mild. This makes it easy for individuals to overlook the problem until it becomes severe.

Stages of Gum Disease: Gingivitis and Periodontitis

Gum disease typically progresses through two primary stages. Inflammation of the soft tissue in your gums characterizes the first stage, known as gingivitis. This gingivitis symptom is due to plaque build-up around the teeth.

Gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, a more serious gum disease, if left untreated. Periodontitis can lead to gum recession, bone loss around the teeth, and, ultimately, tooth loss.

Gingivitis and Periodontitis Causes and Risk Factors

The primary cause of gum disease is the accumulation of dental plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth. However, several risk factors can exacerbate the condition. These include poor oral hygiene, smoking, certain medications, hormonal changes in women, diabetes, and a genetic predisposition that can increase your risk of gum disease. Regular dental check-ups can help identify these risk factors and help you prevent gum disease.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

The warning signs and symptoms of early-stage gum disease can vary, but common indicators of gum disease include:

  • Red, tender, or swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums while brushing or flossing
  • Persistent bad breath or taste in the mouth
  • Receding gums, making your teeth appear longer
  • Loose or shifting teeth
  • Formation of deep pockets between teeth and gums
  • Changes in your bite

When to Seek Medical Attention

Gum disease can often advance without causing pain or noticeable symptoms, making regular dental check-ups imperative. However, if you notice any signs of gum disease, such as bad breath, gum swelling, bleeding gums, loose teeth, or changes in your bite, it is advisable to seek immediate medical attention. It is also advisable to pay attention to check if your gums are receding. Early intervention and good oral hygiene can prevent the progression of gum disease and minimize damage.

Schedule an Appointment

Click above or call our office at (440) 871-7040, and we will take care of your gums and keep you healthy.

Gum Disease Treatment Options

Gum disease treatment primarily focuses on controlling your infection and halting the progression of the disease. The type and intensity of the form of your gum disease treatment may vary based on the severity of your condition. Treatment modalities can be broadly classified into non-surgical and surgical treatments.

Non-Surgical Treatments

Non-surgical treatments are typically the first line of defense against gum disease. They are designed to remove plaque, tartar, and food particles from around your teeth and gums.

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and Root planing are deep-cleaning methods. Scaling involves scraping off the tartar from above and below your gum line. Root planing smooths out rough areas on the tooth root, removing bacteria that cause disease.

These procedures may be performed using a laser, ultrasonic device, or manual scaling tools. The primary benefit of these methods is the non-invasive nature of the treatment. However, they may not be sufficient for advanced cases of periodontitis.


Antibiotics can be used to control the bacterial infection causing gum disease. They can be administered orally or be directly applied as a gel in the space between your teeth and gums. They can also be applied to your periodontal pockets after your deep cleaning. Antibiotics can help with bacteria but don't fix tartar build-up and can cause side effects.

Surgical Treatments

For more serious cases of gum disease, surgical treatments may be necessary to restore your supportive gum tissues.

Dental Flap Surgery

Dental Flap surgery involves lifting back the gums and removing tartar. The gums are then sutured back to fit closely to your teeth. This method reduces the space between the gums and teeth, limiting places where harmful bacteria can hide. This invasive procedure may present a longer recovery time, but it's highly effective for advanced disease.

Bone and Tissue Grafts

Bone and Tissue Grafts aim to regenerate your bone or gum tissue destroyed by gum disease. Natural or synthetic bone may be placed in the area of bone loss, promoting bone growth. Similarly, guided tissue regeneration may involve inserting a mesh-like fabric between the bone graft and gum tissue. This prevents your gums from growing into where the bone should be, increasing the chances of the desired bone growth.

These options are among the most invasive but very effective for severe gum disease. Their main limitation is that they require a longer recovery period.

Why Should I Visit Nick D. Gravino, DDS, For Treatment of Gingivitis and Periodontitis?

Choosing Dr. Nick D. Gravino for your gingivitis and periodontitis treatment means choosing exceptional dental care rooted in expertise, experience, and empathy. Dr. Gravino is well-known for his personalized dental care, making sure to address each patient's specific needs for oral health. His extensive knowledge and up-to-date techniques ensure your effective treatment, minimizing the potential for disease progression.

Moreover, Dr. Gravino believes in patient education and preventative measures. He empowers his patients to maintain their oral health beyond the dental office. Finally, his relentless dedication to patient comfort and satisfaction makes every visit a positive experience, reducing anxiety and fostering a trusting doctor-patient relationship.

How Does Dr. Nick Gravino Identify Gum Disease?

Dr. Nick Gravino employs a meticulous diagnostic process to identify each stage of gum disease. The procedure begins with a comprehensive examination of your mouth. Dr. Gravino uses a small ruler to measure your pocket depth between your tooth and the gums, which is a common indicator of gum disease.

The healthy normal pocket depth is usually up to 3 millimeters. Deeper pockets may indicate an inflammation and a receding gum line, which could be a serious gum disease.

Dr. Gravino also takes dental X-rays to check for bone loss in areas where the dentist observes your deeper pocket depths. He uses state-of-the-art imaging technology to detect bone grafting abnormalities accurately. If necessary, he might refer you to a periodontist, a specialist in diagnosing and treating gum disease.

In addition to the physical examination, Dr. Gravino reviews your medical history. It's important to know what might be causing your symptoms, like smoking or certain medications. Knowing all about your health history helps him give you the best treatment for your gum disease.

After Your Gum Disease Treatment

After treating gum disease, it's important to care for your gums to heal completely and prevent the disease from returning. This includes maintaining good oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing regularly.

It's also important to schedule regular dental check-ups to monitor the health of your gums. By following these steps, you can help ensure that your gums stay healthy and free from disease. This can be done by maintaining good oral hygiene practices. Regularly brushing and flossing your teeth can help keep your gums healthy.

Additionally, visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings is essential in preventing gum disease recurrence. Dr. Nick D. Gravino and his team help you heal and really take care of you after your treatment.

Oral Care Routine

Maintaining a good, consistent oral care routine is very important. To keep your teeth healthy, brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, and use an antimicrobial mouthwash to control plaque. This accelerates healing and prevents new plaque and tartar from forming on sensitive teeth.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled so Dr. Gravino can monitor your progress and ensure complete healing. These visits are also important to detect and address any potential issues early.

Lifestyle Modifications

Changing habits, such as quitting smoking, drinking less alcohol, and eating properly, can help gum disease. It can also lower the chance of gum disease returning. Making these lifestyle changes can have a positive impact on your overall health.

Remember, restoring your oral health to cure gum disease is a partnership between you and your dentist. With diligent care, gum disease can be controlled, and your oral health can be significantly improved.

Take the Next Step Toward Gum Disease Prevention

Don't let gum disease compromise your overall well-being.

Schedule an Appointment

Call Dr. Nick D. Gravino's office today at (440) 871-7040 and schedule your appointment. Together, we can strive for a healthier, brighter smile. Your journey to optimal oral health begins with a single step, and the best time to take that step is NOW!

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